education crisesThere is an acute real education crisis meaning the college degrees serve as unnecessary pieces of paper.At a juncture when the percentage of employers facing difficulty in finding skilled workforce is 48  percent in India, one wonders what it that we are turning out from our universities and colleges. These are pointers to the nature and efficiency of our education system. Against this, the job market is increasingly being redefined by specific skills. The entire skills set required to work in a company that competes at the global level has undergone change, and education, particularly Higher Education, cannot afford to overlook the new realities of the 2nd decade of the 21st century.

Digital resources are scant and would need immediate action to bring about complete transformation in the digital culture of companies.So you want a job in social media which has the maximum number of job opportunities, there are a number of areas of knowledge, skills and attributes that you need to possess. A few skills that might work well upon all stem jobs are as under:

  1. An urge to learn with the digital changes:

Keeping on top of the latest changes and trends in the social media world can be a massive task, but the fact is that you need to know what is happening and why. This is not a fixed pay job to be done; you need to be switched on! Read blogs, follow the right people on social media platforms and interact online and offline. Keeping up to date on social media and digital shifts in the industry will make the change resistant tendencies to move towards better growth.

  1. Content writing ability:

What is social media based around? Communication. Social media allows businesses to communicate with customers, prospects and wider ranging stakeholders. If you can’t write you can’t communicate. You need to be able to write in different styles, tones and of course in an appropriate manner for the different social media outlets. Your writing has to be highly adaptable so pick examples from across industries and sectors.


  1. SEO knowledge:

Search Engine Optimization is a huge area that is an expertise in itself. You need to have a strong understanding of how social media affects search engine rankings. And of course, you need to know how to work some SEO magic into your writing. Keyword research, use, linking so on and so forth. Bear it in mind and start working SEO reading in to your learning.

  1. Technical skills:

Anyone need not be a technical geek but the basic nitty-gritty is a must. Many can’t encode, or struggles to change image sizes. However, it’s good to use a number of blog CMS, Facebook pages and basic optimization to a web page. The very basic points are good for a user to know and interacting with the social media platforms. Also, how to work with the technical geniuses to make sure what you are creating is working from a user experience point of view.

  1. Marketing acumen:

SM is just another channel of digital marketing. Focusing on only SM could lead to missed opportunities or a reduced overall skill-set. Ignoring the fundamentals would be a bad move. Digital marketing combined with traditional marketing is the key. Consumer perspective into consideration should be a real focus for you.

analytical skills

  1. Analytical skills:

Social media use will throughout a number of facts, figures and indeed stats. You need to be able to identify the ones that offer true value and allow you to build a picture of the success of your work. When you have worked out the best metrics for your activity, you need to be able to pull them all together, analyze the heck out of them and then work them in to a presentable output. Learn how your results can be used to mould future activity.

  1. Entrepreneurial potential :

The perceived value of social media is higher than ever, this is due to strong case-studies that show real success. Despite this, people in many businesses still struggle to see the value or quiver at the thought of opening up their brand to the social media masses. Illustrate why the social media space is right for them and ultimately change their mindset. With the right preparation, knowledge and drive, it can be a whole lot easier

This is some food for thought for anyone that is looking to work in a role that involves social media. Most companies naturally recruit professionals to fill positions that rely heavily on hop scorching through the digital social realm.