Our-Education-SystemA grave concern about the status of the education system in the country is full of ambiguity and falling out of the employability context giving away expensive paper degrees and outdated teaching methods which are only good for turning intelligent people into zombies, jobless.With the quality of education in the colleges, there is simply no room for creativity or high-quality experience.  Day by day it is becoming very difficult to find graduates with the right skill set for business within the changing digital culture.We need to bridge the gap between education and work as simple as that. We need to ensure that the education goes beyond the classroom. Education should be about empowering people to gain employable skills and should be easily done through customized courses with Social Media as its focus area. The courses that have its focal point around training which delivers value in terms of good jobs and making students more capable to be taken in by big companies is the preference for students.

downloadA focus on skill training/development as against university degrees would help to increase employability in today’s volatile market.Employability is about much more than just getting your first job – it’s about having a grand image and presenting yourself successfully, both as a new graduate and throughout your life. You can’t rely on your degree alone to automatically open doors after you graduate.There are some basic fundamentals that every professional needs to master in order to succeed in and enjoy his/her professional life. A vast majority of professionals today have not received the training, information, understanding or knowledge they need to ensure they’ll remain on a positive track and build a career that will be fruitful, productive and successful as the years go on.

Employers are therefore seeking graduates who are enterprising, resourceful and adaptable and who, as well as their degree, possess a range of skills which can be used in a wide variety of settings as well as in their careers. These are known as employability skills.

we can useEmployability is not rocket science, its common sense. The best way to develop employability skills and qualities, of course, is to keep evolving with the changing in the business world especially with the outbreak of social media revolution.In the cyber age, when internet has become imperative for every corporate in the country, India is facing a dearth of trained professionals in the digital sector primarily.

Currently we are seeing an awkward generation joining companies across the globe. They have acquired the technical skills and qualifications to secure work but not the soft skills they need to succeed. The industry cannot operate without the skilled people.Roughly one quarter (23%) believe that a lack of digital skills could force them out of a job or restrict the chances for future earnings in five years time. This is despite the fact that 43% believe they do not have to up skill to remain part of the digital revolution.While traditional media professionals with years of experience grappling to understand the vibrant medium, aspirants seeking jobs in this lucrative and booming industry are ill-equipped, due to the lack of organized and focused training. wireless broadbandThe wide range of skill sets and positions within Digital Media also makes it a promising field for job opportunities. Driven by increased internet penetration, wireless broadband and mobile technology, consumers and businesses are increasingly shifting their attention from the traditional marketing media.With the way digital is growing, there is ample growth opportunity for professionals in this sector, if they get the right training and empowerment.With the continued exponential growth in social media, keeping up with constant changes is a challenge. Not only for businesses of all sizes recruiting talent, but also for professionals who are trying to stay up to date with all the platforms and the best way to use them.