
Real time marketing through social media is transforming events into meaningful experiences.

Real time marketing is the way to go for real time experience. It’s not simply about current events, but rather a way to enter into a relevant and timely conversation or a moment that is authentic and relevant with your audience.

For a small business competing to gain the attention of customers, real-time marketing is a very valuable tool which can be easily created with Social Media. You don’t aim to latch to a fleeting trend, only to look silly afterwards. It should be about responding to what your current and future customers want, not what the event du jour is. This is a chance to develop long-term relationships. In other words, not only do you want to gain attention of your audience, but you have to find a way to maintain their attention.

Ok, so now that you have a pretty good sense of why we need real-time marketing in life, let’s get onto how you can take advantage of it all.

Create the Real-Time Experience


As much as the word ‘nimble’ is overused, it really tugs at the core of what you want to .Here’s a general overview of what you need to do to get started:

Anticipate Content & make relevant preparations:

Constantly watch what your customers say. Look at customer queries, your social media channels and website to see what their most pressing issues are. There are so many monitoring services to choose from. When you notice something that really matters to your customers, jump into these conversations when it happens.

Get Content Ready:

To be ready to engage in real-time, you need to have content at your fingertips so you can engage quickly with what is relevant. Plan now and have the right processes in place so you can create these types of content. Don’t skimp on this either.

Keep relevant messages:

There is nothing more annoying than a company that looks like it’s trying to cash in on the news du jour. Make sure that your content is relevant and stays true to your services and products. Instead of bombarding people with sales pitches, focus on engaging audiences with entertaining and informative content.

Figure where prospects meet often:

Even doing a simple search can help you figure out social media channels or forums where your target audience congregates.

Do research:

Even if you schedule any type of content, be ready to respond to real-time. This means you need to find a balance between pre-scheduling content, and responding and creating content right when you need it.

Real-time content engagement truly is a wonderful opportunity to broadcast your brand and its significance to potential customers. No matter what, make sure all content aligns with your brand marketing. With all that being said, if you don’t keep your community in mind, then you might as well kiss your business goodbye.
